Posts Tagged ‘cell phone texting’

The Perils of Bovine Texting

Thursday, January 20th, 2011

Two students taking Media 386, a journalism ethics course, last semester had their final grades reduced by one grade because of repeated violations of class guidelines about text messaging. Both were whining that they were treated unfairly. They  were not identified but one actually did a whine-whine on the WORD’s facebook page: She was responding to my description of the other student because she believed I was discussing her “case. When I informed her that I wasn’t, she refused to believe me. In a sense, she outed herself in a public forum!

The other notified me that she was appealing her grade (which is not a bad strategy in a department with the most sordid grading scams at Hunter). But never mind that. Below is a metaphysical rejoinder to them about the perils of texting inappropriately.
