Jacqueline Fernandez at the Filipino Express

From Jacqueline Fernandez: 

The Filipino Express hired me as a correspondent for them … $50 an article and $50 if I get a photo …  I get to cover the President of the Philippines’ speech today [June 26] at the UN and then I’m also covering the reception for all these prominent people in the FIl-Am community at the Hilton.”

“So that is pretty exciting.”

She is a junior in Hunter’s F/M who is involved in multimedia news reporting. I am posting this info here and, of course, at the WORD’s facebook because I’m always looking for creative ways to celebrate the successes of J-students (since my department has done such a poor job in this area). I’ve cross paths with more exceptional J-students since I’ve been teaching here than I did at Rutgers University (New Brunswick campus).

Don’t mistake what I’m writing. Rutgers had really good students but not in the bunches that I’ve been encountering here (no matter what my colleagues say about student talent).

More about this later.

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