Commute, the Assignment

Students in feature writing have to produce a “Commute” as the final assignment, a journalistic narrative about their commuting to and from the campus for the semester. Words and pictures. The instructor has been warming up for this assignment also. And two encounters on the subway indicate his reflexes need to be revived.

First: Three got on and started harmonizing. I immediately forked over a buck (into a red bag of sorts) and whipped out the Luminix DMC-LX3 and that action seemed to make them rush on. Two made it into the picture, which is uninspiring considering the juice from the scene they created.

Second: He was talking about Jesus and was flashing the sign. Many seconds passed before I overcame hesitation and whipped out the Luminix and, to my surprise, he stopped showing the sign in my direction and got off at the next stop as if I had startled him.

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