Archive for the ‘Student Journalism’ Category

Attention Colleague Bill Herman: The Center for Communication, Inc. Use to Be a Gold Mine of Support for D:F/M Students

Sunday, October 12th, 2014

Regarding your fm-l post about the “great” programs of the Center for Communication, Inc. Copy of your post is below. But first, history and context.

Shouldn’t students be informed about the demise of the innovative relationship between the department and the Center for Communication, Inc. when it scheduled numerous panels and events on the Hunter campus, mostly but not exclusively, in the Lang Auditorium, for the benefit of students – and not just those D:F/M majors – so that they didn’t have to trek so much around the city to Center events? For a department with no imagination and no funding for programming for students, the Center relationship was a blessing.

The Chair knows the history. Maybe he might share.

G Morris

Gregg Morris, editor, the WORD & this site.

Gregg Morris, editor, the WORD & this site.


Knows How to Throw a Party

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014



Have to Get This Off My Chest About the Center for Communication

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

Colleagues Larry Shore, Princess Hee-Haw: Read This Blog

A long time ago I worked out an innovative collaboration with the Center for Communication so that it could schedule seminars, panel discussions and other events on the Hunter campus. Almost all of the activities were held in the rinky-dink Lang Auditorium on the fourth floor of Hunter North. One exception was held in a large lecture room of the Hunter West Building that can seat several hundred –  timed to coordinate with the class of Adversarial Colleague Bob Stanley.

SRO – capacity 500.

My job was to make sure that there was plenty of attendance. D:F/M techie Joe Orifice worked with me to take care of logistics.  And it was a marvel of a collaboration until the two chairs of D:F/M, in the throes of maniacally egotistical self-aggrandizement, screwed up the collaboration set up for the benefit of students. The Center for Communication did great things for students in the Department of Film and Media Studies as well as for students who weren’t majors.

Nevertheless, Colleagues in my department, like Larry Shore and Princes Hee-Haw (of the Hee-Haw Rangers), still post announcements about the Center’s events as if to keep up the ruse that the DEAD relationship hasn’t been killed off and is still alive. More about this later.

D:F/M Colleagues, including some who have retired. A new logo is in the works.

D:F/M Colleagues, including some who have retired. A new logo is in the works.


D:F/M Grade Appeal Cha-Cha-Cha – A Sonnet for the Chair of the Department

Wednesday, September 17th, 2014
D:F/M Colleagues, including some who have retired. A new logo is in the works.

D:F/M Colleagues, including some who have retired. A new logo is in the works.

A version of the material below was recently sent to full-time Colleagues in the Department of Film and Media Studies, Hunter College, City University of New York, regarding the latest decision by the Senate Grade Appeals Committee to reverse another in a long line of funky decisions by a D:F/M Grade Appeals Committee to give a passing grade to a student whom I flunked for cheating – and clearly deserved it.


Hunter College Alumnus Fighting the Good Fight

Thursday, August 7th, 2014
Publisher/Editor Rodney Sieh

Publisher/Editor Rodney Sieh

Open Letter to Comedian Jordan Carlos: Your Personal Assistant Sarah Westlake Has Been Sending Me …

Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

… Poisonous Emails

Part 2

[A somewhat terse twitter exchange between this writer and the upcoming comedian took place before Part 2 was published. To be dealt with later.]

Comedian Jordon Carlos

Comedian Jordon Carlos


Open Letter to Comedian Jordan Carlos: Your Personal Assistant Sarah Westlake Has Been Sending Me …

Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

… Poisonous Emails

Part I

Comedian Jordon Carlos

Comedian Jordon Carlos


A Sobering Thought About Colleague Larry Shore’s Request to Post on the WORD Blog

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014

He should read this and re-think his strategy of obfuscation, prevarication and deceit.

Logo revision in the works.

Logo revision in the works.


Senator Rev Rubén Díaz, NY Hispanic Clergy Organization, and Members of the Community Are Disgusted by Recent Firings at El Diario la Prensa 

Friday, June 20th, 2014

In response to the recent firing of 20 journalists at El Diario la Prensa, New York State Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz (D-Bronx) will be meeting with his fellow clergy members from the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization to discuss a possible June 26th demonstration in front of the executive offices of ImpreMedia, El Diario la Prensa’s parent company. [More Background info]


International Federation of Journalists Advisory for Reporters at the World Cup

Friday, June 13th, 2014

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has advised local and international journalists covering events in Brazil during the World Cup to remain vigilant and ensure they stay safe.
